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Selected Poetry by Yi-Wen Huang

Photo Source: Unsplash

Evil eye

Evil eyes on an oak tree trunk

Evil eye on a roof in Seville

near the castle, Royal Alcázar

Evil eye keychains and bracelets in the shops in the medina in Tangier

Evil eye on the ceiling in a pizza shop, Pizza Milano, owned by the Turkish in Pittsburgh

Evil eyes everywhere

Acton Town

My heart sunk

walking in a strange place, a foreign city

with cute historical buildings made of red bricks

On a street

The first blow

Out of nowhere

I screamed louder and louder

again and again

out of disbelief


witnessing blood flowing out of your nose

from the hits

the punches

Is boxing popular in the UK?

I googled it afterwards

It's not uncommon for street fights to block the traffic of roads in London

I blacked out

but still remember

The rescuers took us to the nearby pizza shop

The pouring of murmuring prayers from them

Stealing Your car is Not a Crime

You know as long as you dumped my car somewhere,

you won't get caught

You know you can pee, sleep, do drugs in my car

No one cares

You know you can drive my car recklessly, wreck it, and

sell my hubcaps, and you won't get caught

You know to dump all my belongings, and

to get rid of my bumper stickers to pretend it's yours, and it's fun

My insurance goes up twice a year even though I receive a check from it

Stealing my car is not a crime and will never be

Dr. Yi-Wen Huang is from Taiwan and a Professor of English and Linguistics at UNM-Gallup.  She lived and attended universities in New York and Pennsylvania.  Her research focuses on language and affect.  Her hobbies include winter hiking, thrift shopping, k-pop, and traveling as a foodie and tea aficionado.

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